Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today is Ash Wednesday and a perfect day to reflect on life. I reread my last post and laughed because I was determined to start blogging and didn't seem to get on a roll. I did look look at my list of "to do's", and I am happy to report that I can check off a few!

  • Be a good mom, a more patient mom, a more present mom-this is a work in progress!
  • Be a loving wife-this also a work in progress!!!
  • Be a homemaker-I really have made a concerted effort to be better at this. Then I pause to reflect that even Carol Brady had Alice (and 4 more kids and a dog).
  • Be a nurse-It has been wonderful to be back at work, but I do miss being in ICU.
  • Master photography-I took another digital photography class that focuses on editing and such. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed in the class and didn't take much away from it. So I have purchased Scott Kelby's book on Lightroom. Hopefully, I will be able to get something from it.
  • Learn to sew-CHECK!!!! We can take this off the list! I took a great beginner class at this truly awesome place in Austin called the Stitch Lab.
  • Commit those memories to pages (scrapbooking)-I haven't even touched the supplies
  • Take care of my physical being-I have been going to Spin and Pilates. I have lost 13 pounds since September.
  • Get organized-getting there
  • Continue my growth in my faith-constant work in progress, but I am working on it.
  • Learn to blog...-no comment
  • Find a clever name for my blog

As I was dropping off my kids at preschool, I drove by our church and realized that I had yet to think of something to give up for Lent. I remember that last year the pastor of our parish mentioned that maybe instead of giving something up, try to do something to make yourself better or take care of yourself. So I decided that I will try, try , try my best to be a more patient mother. Three minutes later, my son is prone in the preschool parking lot having a melt down. Really? I think God was quick to test me. I did my best to keep it together and I did fairly well today-not perfect-but better than usual. It's a start and I will take it.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm Baaaaack.......

Ah yes, it's me...I am back after a 2 year hiatus.  Hopefully, this time I will stay around and try to find my way around the blogging world.  I sometimes think I am definitely insane to try to take on another "project" because I sure cannot seem to keep up with the many balls I have in the air as it is.

Since my last attempt at blogging, my life has changed.  I had recently became a mother of 2.  My oldest child, Miss M, is now a precocious 4 year-old going on 16, and my son, "C-man" as he is dubbed, has just turned a wild & robust 2 year-old.  I took my photography course which was basically a  6 session introduction to digital photography and getting to know your camera.  It was helpful, but I am still working on mastering photography & creating awesome photographic memories of my kidlets. I still am reading. Although, I am reading slowly.  The scrapbooking....well, I tried to start again.  I have numerous layouts completed, but to put the pictures down and commit to it....that is my challenge.  I also returned to work as a RN.  I work one day a week (4 days a month).  Not to bad, but it does take away from all my "extra" time. Is there such thing as extra time when you are a mother and wife?

Needless to say this is my list of things to do & take on:

  • Be a good mom, a more patient mom, a more present mom
  • Be a loving wife
  • Be a homemaker 
  • Be a nurse
  • Master photography
  • Learn to sew
  • Commit those memories to pages (scrapbooking)
  • Take care of my physical being
  • Get organized
  • Continue my growth in my faith
  • Learn to blog...
  • Find a clever name for my blog
I think I may be a bit optimistic of my ability to achieve these things.  Since I have not been able to master a few of these in the past 2 years, but I will try.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

As a blogger, I suck!

I am reading my past blog posts that were written over a year ago. Apparently, my entrance into the blogging world has been slow and stalled quickly. A year has past and my world has drastically changed.

When I last wrote, I was living in Utah, newly pregnant with baby #2 and mom to a toddler. I am now back in Austin, TX and so grateful to be here. Oh how I missed Texas! Baby #2 was born in late October. A beautiful baby boy named Cooper, and big sis, Mallory, is independent and definitely 2 years old!

I am constantly chasing after 2 kids now and a husband. I look around and wonder if there will ever be a time that I can have me time. I have been scrambling to rediscover my hobbies. I purchased a Kindle and have began reading again. My dear husband purchased me a beautiful camera for Christmas, and I am taking a photography class. I am even trying to scrapbook again.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Onset of Toddler Tantrums...does she know her life is about to change?

This week my 17 month old daughter has begun to throw huge tantrums. This is new to her. I didn't know what to think of my usually sweet child hanging on to my legs with her face buried in between them, blubbering accompanied by the random screech and stomping of her feet. I was thinking "who took my child and I want her brought back pronto".

Of course, this is the weekend my darling husband took off on his annual "Boy's Trip" to Scottsdale, AZ. Fun in the sun which includes golfing, baseball, hanging with friends and drinking beer. I told him he was fortunate that he was there as I was not looking forward to the teenage years because I could barely get past 17 months right now.

I must say yesterday morning was rough, but the afternoon was better. Today is a mixed bag. I think my daughter has a keen intuition that she knows life is going to be changing. I have neurotically been peeing on sticks and low and behold....Miss M is going to be a big sister. I guess the only wine I will be having for the next 10 months is the whine of my precious Miss M.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

State Politics and ramblings...I may regret posting this

I must admit that as a native Californian and having spent the majority of my life there, I am very ignorant of the fact that other states politics don't necessarily run in the same order. This probably is a good thing considering the state of the politics and the budget in California. We moved to Texas in 2006 and I was just getting a grasp of Texas State politics when we left in the summer of 2008. I should underline "grasp", as I could not get my head around the idea that the state legislature only meets every 2 years. How do things get done? Another thing that I did not get around to researching is the difference between sheriff, constable, coroner and justice of the peace.

So now I find myself in Utah and figuring out their "ways". Well, I can already tell you I am frustrated and just plain amazed by how ridiculous their laws can be.
The most asinine one is this one: Zion Curtain . Let me reiterate from my last post that there is no separation of church and state. Church = The Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints (LDS) not my church. Now I don't want to be accused of being hateful to those of the LDS faith because they are some very nice people, but I am frustrated. I have a difficult time for the intolerance that their church shows to others, and that they are ignorant that they are not the only religion in Utah. Step outside the state borders, and I believe that they may change their tune.

Though I am happy to report that some sense has come over the legislature
. One report on the news last night mentioned that this legislation would not have gotten as far as it has in the legislature if the LDS church hadn't been okay with it. Excuse does that not violate my 3rd amendment rights? I consider myself a religious person, but I try very hard to respect other people's religious beliefs and lifestyles. If those people of the LDS faith object to drinking, don't drink, but realize your neighbors may enjoy a glass of wine and that we are responsible adults.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Really, begin a blog? What am I thinking?

I do not know what has gotten into me thinking that I should start a blog. It isn't like I am brimming with spare time or a lack of things to do...I just don't want to do them. Them being cleaning the bathroom, laundry, organizing "my office". You know typical day to day stuff that a SAHM (stay at home mom) does. Why organize my office when my nearly 17 month old daughter dismantles my progress every chance she gets? Really, I just need to admit I am a procrastinator!!!!

I really do not have anything interesting to say. I guess boredom has recently rocked my world in a personal aspect. Not that a mother of a 17 month daughter would be bored. How could that happen? I have recently moved from Austin, TX to Utah due to a change in jobs for my darling husband. Of course, this happened as I was just beginning to feel at home and connected in Austin through co-workers (who became friends), other moms and church. Now, I am in a new state without friends. Utah has been a culture shock from eclectic Austin. I am not in the religious majority in Utah and that I love wine. Utah makes it difficult to get your alcohol beverages with their antiquated laws, and may I add, there is no separation of church and state when it comes to making laws regarding just about anything...especially alcohol!

So, I sit to begin a blog to reach out for new "friends". I will be fumbling learning my way around the blogging world! My husband just left to go to Austin to check and maintain our house that is still for sell in the lovely real estate market and my darling daughter is down for a nap. Heck, it beats hanging out on Facebook or cleaning toilets, right?